Tuesday, October 13, 2009

double dutch

eh so i went to school today.suprisingly -.-' haha,so oh shakila tak prgi sklh so i walked to schl with khaysha and ain. ;D haha.haha.aha.hahhahhahaha. okay sooo,bm and bi tak belajar because cikgu takde i think diorang prgi jaga pmr for other school.hihi.so we talked and talked. oh hm so,so so so PJK! ahaha as usuaaallll,we played basketball.and ofcourse the girl's team menang kaaan ;D haha. haha kesian udin. lol .
so geo,oh and geo i went to bilik guru nak tlg ain oh and ofcourse lah nk skip kelas geo ;) haha. anis and khaysha ponteng,haha firsly diorang prgi bilik guru konon-kononnya nak tlg kitorang but hehe mcm ramai sgt so i think diorang mcm takut so diorang pergi jalan jalan. haha then 5 mins later aiman and amil dtg bilik guru then ketuk tingkap bilik guru and said
aiman: eh,cikgu panggil diorang masuk kelas.anis and khaysha,nbhh. haha.
but we dont know khaysha and anis prgi mana. so nbhh masuk kelas,oh pandai alasan you nbhh,bagus ;D haha.
okay so sej,we talked since the teacher prgi suruh boys angkat meja semua. so we talked about that group yg 3line shisha Fa****** pakcikcarlos nenek/moyang
haha, i laughed a lot. so oh and cikgu kasi upah dkt the boys because diorang tolong angkat menja semua so they were mcm
udin:OKAY! sorg dpt 4.25 sen!(siap guna calculator)
haha,they were like so excited and so aiman and afif when to the canteen nk tukar duit kecik nak dibahagikan.haha
haha so,MATHS,omg i was like mcm takut gila because tak siap byk gila kerja -.-' okay but luckily pn kok tak minta buku .fiuuuuh. haha and suddenly aiman masuk kelas using the back door and said
aiman:ASSALAMUALAIKUM,dengan air milo dkt tangan dia -.-
oh and that time i was laughing like hell,pn kok is our mcm cikgu yg garang or like whatsoever so aiman was like mcm cuak gila.haha.soo
teacher: eh aiman,kamu beli air bukan waktu rehat!
and suddenly afif lari and masuk kelas with air milo dkt tgn jugak.haha!
afif and aiman: alaa,cikgu kitorang penat...
teacher: alaah!ini takesah demerit jugak!
aiman: alaa cikgu,kitorang penat tadi angkat meja sume,eh cikgu air ni saya beli untuk udin!
teacher: ala takde,demerit jugak!
afif:*lupalah apa dia memebebel*
aiman: alaa cikgu ok ok la,saya buang sekarang jugak,
so dia gantung air tu dkt something.
teacher:haih kamu ni tau tak lepas pj pun tak boleh beli air*blablablalbalblalblalbla*
teacher: ok,saya nak mulakan sekarang,so please!
aha,it was so funny! so luckily i think aiman and afif tak kena demerit.haha.
haha so balik sekolah
er..balik rumah. OH HOME SWEET HOME! -.-'
okay so someone is getting older! haha KHAYSHAAAAAA! HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY !



ngeheee,happy birthday<3>

so inilah khaysha yang lawa.haha lol.happy birthday,ily (: sorry fr eveything khaysha!

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