Sunday, January 17, 2010


friday- went to the park met khaysha and wan hafiz-

(muka terkejut she bila excited sgt nmpk snow)

hEll0wwz 3v3rYb0Dieyyy (anis punya tulisan)

haha wattafak

so yesterday i went to bukit cerakah eh? it was a last minute plan. took my bath at 2 pm (hehehehe) and then keluuuaaar. it was fun i guess. okay so yeah.

babi it was like mcm seriously sejuk gila.haha. i t w a s r e a l l y c o l d. ahahahahahhaha.

okay so went back at 5? okay so met khaysha,abu,aqbar and aqmarur at the park. so tak sempat nk borak dgn diorang because rhyz came and mcm borak borak dgn diorang. so then me and khysha went home.

okay so i have nothing to write actually. lol.

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